22 May 2011

Chicken Liver Pate with Wine

Chicken livers can be converted rapidly into a kind of first course ambrosia, with the help of stuff you will have by you.

I roughly chopped a couple of red onions, a couple of cloves of garlic, and soften them in butter. Added a good dessert spoon of herbes provencal, and let the whole thing sweeten. Added two rinsed tubs of chicken livers and cooked briskly until firm.

Add a good glug of red wine and a tsp of sugar, large pinch of salt, grind of pepper, and cook off the alcohol.

When cooked through, tip into Magimix or similar and pulse until pale brown and smooth. Taste of seasoning and beat in a little more softened butter if you want a smoother texture.

Pour into a glass bowl or whatever you have, and bang its bottom to flatten the pate.

Pour over melted buter, and scatter some fresh bayleaves over the top. And chill.

Long ago when I was flat sharing, I left the pate in the fridge when it was broken. It rose like some sinister souffle - disgusting! And I was trying to educate my flatmates away from a diet of ox heart and cheesie wotsits.

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